It turns out there really isn't enough time in the day and I can't do it all! Over the last month, progression on my MA project (more about that later) has really taken off a full speed and it's almost become a full time job in itself, but that's ok, it's an important project for the community at large and I'm working hard with many people to ensure it gets off the ground!
Because of this increased work load, all things LuckyRainbow has taken a hit. I'm still making oodles of lovely things for lovely people at their request, I'm just not the bestt at documenting it and updating my blog and facebook page! Then I had a stroke of bad luck, I worked long and hard to prepare for the inaugural "25 days of Christmas Card" launch, only for blogger to lose the majority, if not all (22 in total!) my blog posts! Sniff, Sniff! I was gutted! I think some sort of virus took hold of my blog for some reason, or perhaps it was a visit to a few dodgey websites that did it! (Just kidding!). I didn't have the time to write them all over again (they were very detailed...), and so I had to give it a miss!!

I do, however have a few images of items I've recently made with many more to come. I'm up to my usual experimenting! Apologies for the lack of posting, I really do feel guilty about it, but this time next year, when the MA is well and truely behind me, I'll have so much time, that I'll be availble to say Yes to all those great Christmas stall offers! I'm excited, even if it is 12 months away!
For now, I hope all of you out there are looking forward to all things Christmassy!! I know, I am!